• Placement cell organised four days workshop for students on various topics like Cardinal rules of living life, Thinking Big & Better Time management skills, Communications skills, Effective listening & English language basics,tools and techniques Interview skills, and E-mail etiquettes and leadership Skills on dated 25/9/19 to 28/9/19 at GCW Murthal.

  • Twenty two students of final year were participated in four days Training cum Job fair at 21/1/2020 to 24/2/2020 at NRS Government College Rohtak.

  • There were thirteen students were selected/shortlisted in different companies in Job fair at NRS Government College Rohtak.

  • Under placement cell different extension lectures activities and participation of students in job fair/placement fair held in the academic session 2017-18. The detail of activities and placement of students in placement fair as:

  • A placement cum job fair was held at Pt. N.R.S Govt. College Rohtak and around 70 girls students attended the training cum fair. Four Girl students were selected in the fair. The details of selected girls as :
  • Sr. No.NameClassRoll No.Remarks
    1.PoojaB.A III1501035Selected in one company
    2.PriyankaB.A III1501066Selected in one company
    3.SunitaB.Com III1503035Selected in two companies
    4.PriyankaB.Sc III1504002Selected in one company
  • Again a placement fair held at Govt. College Gohana and around 10 students participated and they were appreciated by the selection committee and the detail of the participants were collected by the different companies to contact on their personal level for job opportunity.

  • Three extension lectures were organised at college level about career guidance and how to prepare for competitive exams by different expertise and academicians. Students were motivated and inspired by the expertise.

  • Different competitive exams of different fields were bought for the benefit of girl students.